

我非常有幸認識世界各地的人們,了解他們的信仰及想法。(2011.08.11 請看"個人成長 Personal Growth" 之 “我身邊的小人物、大道理 的新文章)雖然我不可能在這裡全部分享給大家,但是我給的第一個建議就是:頻繁使用英文,由簡至深。藉由英文你能夠和全世界溝通,更快速得到更多的各方資訊,還能幫助你研判你接觸到的中文資訊的正確度!而且你的英文程度也會自然提升。想要去補習班上課提升英文程度之後才跟外國人溝通其實是本末倒置。


同時我要打破傳統迷思,提升英文不等於背單字學文法,也不等於和外國人打屁,這些都是效率低而且不是全方位的方法。最自然又高效率的方式之一就是: 不要壓抑對外國文化的好奇,把它當寶物看,把語言(英語)當流行樂聽,看到別人自然地使用英語就想加入,看到國外公司的英文廣告詞都想學,聽不懂一個重要的字就提問!把英文跟你的現有生活經驗做連結,才是最自然有效的學習法。

想多了解如何運用豐富的網路資源免費自修英文,請至下方我的 Issue 電子書架(對,就是那個棕色木頭背景的書架)點閱我的文件 “Resources for English Learning Brochure (EN)“ (不定時更新). 希望你有了熊掌後,可以自己捕魚,再也不用擔心花大錢學英語了! (2010.12.29 註: "英語學習資源 (中文版)" 出爐囉! 真的看不懂英文版再讀中文版喔! 別偷懶喔!)







嚴長壽新書  教育應該不一樣  
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有facebook的朋友只要點取“註冊”然後 "facebook connect" 就可以很快在issuu上看到我發布的文件。


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1. CV (Curriculum Vitae)

2. 按時間順位排經歷
職場老鳥 請點此繼續閱讀

3. 按工作項目排經歷

4. 電子履歷表格
通常這種公司都是國際知名大企業。遇到這種難搞的表格怎麼辦? 請點此繼續閱讀



*新*(2011-11-28) 焦慮怎麼處理?


Cover Letter/ Job Letter 英文求職信

外商公司要求你一併把 cover letter (又稱 job letter) 連同 resume 寄過去,但你不知 cover letter 是為何物嗎? 請點此繼續閱讀

*新* (2011.07.01) 很多朋友可能會問,為什麼要有 resume/CV 又要有 cover/job letter 呢?這樣不是同樣的東西寫兩遍嗎?到底外國人在想什麼?請讀我的 cover letter/ job letter 文章。

*新* (2011.04.20) 你知道其實很多職缺都沒有對外公佈過嗎?

你是否也曾跟我一樣懷疑過企業招募的背後真相? "企業大量招募 數字背後的真相"4月號(420期)Career職場情報誌
美國一個非常有名的調查指出,55%的人都是被朋友 或 朋友的朋友 牽進公司的。

*新* (2011-07-22) 調查:95%履歷石沉大海


Interview Tips

你的英文履歷幫你爭取到英文面試機會了嗎? 恭喜你了! 煩惱如何在面試這一關對應得體,展現自己嗎? 我希望給你幾項建議,如何為自己做好心理準備。 請點此繼續閱讀

*新*(2011-08-09)  Choosing a Job Offer

不知如何選擇工作嗎? 不管是台灣的工作還是海外的工作,不要因為面子選工作,也不要太委屈自己進入一間明知企業文化不好的工作場合。請點此繼續閱讀

歡迎大家在此分享心得或提問! 任何工作上和外國人相處的問題,也歡迎你和我分享討論。有好消息也歡迎你分享你的喜悅給我,算是給我一點鼓勵囉。:)

講座活動行事曆 (加上4國假日:) ...


Accredited TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Teacher (UK)

學生時代在知名歐美汽車電子產業實習兩年 經常幫各國朋友修改英文履歷

自始至終都還是拿台灣護照 沒有想要申請過長久居留權!


copyright (c) 2011 E.V.L International Consultings Ltd.


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影片最後 Pi 問作家:"Which story do you prefer?"


prefer 本身代表有不只一個選項可以讓你自由選擇,沒有強迫中獎。例如如果我去早餐店,服務生問我想喝甚麼,我問他有哪些選項,然後假如他說有茶又有咖啡。我可能會說這樣一句話:I prefer tea over coffee for breakfast.

回到電影情節。作家說:"The one with the tiger - it's a better story!"

Pi 微笑說:"Thank you.  And so it goes with God."



有的人說 Pi 是無神論,他比較信第二個故事。也有人說 Pi 信第一個故事,但是其實只是因為第一個故事讓他感覺比較好 (feel better),其實他在逃避現實,他知道第二個故事才是真的,等等。


"It's a better story." 這句話的確很不精準,"better"的定義是甚麼? 但是腳本這麼寫可能是因為是兩個人在家喝茶對話。即使如此不精準,找任何一個母語是英文的人來都會說,這裡是指作家覺得第一個故事有意義多了!  跟哪個故事讓人自我感覺良好沒有關係。

Pi 微笑說謝謝,意思就是他本人也比較喜歡第一個故事,有老虎的那個。他最後突然回到作者之前很期待他的故事會讓他相信神這個話題上,然後說了這句:"And so it goes with God." 純粹字面上的翻譯,阿貓阿狗都會翻的那種,為;「信不信上帝也是如此」但是我換個方式翻:

- 你比較喜歡有上帝的人生還是沒上帝的人生正如同挑一個好故事一樣,換句話說,有沒有上帝是其次,你真正在找的是如何解釋人生的意義。

------- 從作家採訪學英文 (2013.05.31) ------


I thought religion is like that (the number Pi), too: It's something "irrational" that helps make sense of things. ...

His (Pi's) argument (and mine) is that a vision of life that has a transcendental element is better than one that is purely secular and materialist. ...

My narrative strategy in writting this book was to write a story that was progressively harder to believe. ... Now will you believe in this crazy carnivorous island? I figure most readers will not believe it. ...

But I wanted that better story to have something unbelievable about it. ... BECAUSE every great thing in life — be it religion, love, any ideal — has an element of the unreasonable to it. We are not computers. We need the pull of the unreasonable to get us through life. The island represents that unreasonable element in the first story.

I would guess that every book is to some extent the intellectual autobiography of its author. Pi is interested in religions: so am I. Pi is open to all faiths: so am I. Pi is comfortable in different Godhouses: so am I. There is a sociocultural component to religions. Just as there are different ways of feeding the body, there are different ways of feeding the soul. Each religion is one group of people's attempt to understand ultimate reality. I think in each one there is a portion of truth and a portion of error. So I see in all great religions the same frame of being, only seen from a different perspective.


主持人: One of the primary motivations for writing this book is to deal with the issue of human evil.

作者: Religion is a wonderful machine for digesting evil.

None of them (religions) are perfect.  All of them are cultural attempts to understand what goes beyond culture.

------- 接下來為我個人看完影片後的感想,但不算是影評 -------


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今年夏天我將辭職離開工程界。九月進入倫敦政經學院社會心理學系寫一篇有關 組織/公司人事結構扁平化(或維持扁平)所遇到的困難 的論文。


所以工業革命那一套老闆說了算、員工要聽話的強硬管理已經被人詬病。(一篇很有趣的文章 當老闆這麼說...






對這方面有興趣的朋友,不管您是學生、職員或老闆,我強烈推薦法國組織心理學教授 Isaac Getz 的書 Freedom, Inc.: Free Your Employees and Let Them Lead Your Business to Higher Productivity, Profits, and Growth (2009). 一本才20美元左右。

Prof. Getz 經常在 TED 等公開場合演講,並研究企業創造力。(你絕對不會聽到睡著) 他讀心理學之前跟我一樣是個電機工程師。


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Chapter 4 - Background Information on Human Rights

4.5 Q&A  http://eycb.coe.int/compass/en/chapter_4/4_5.html

Compass 不只是一本給老師而是專門寫給年輕學子的教育手冊。幾十年來,歐盟中學生都熟悉它的內容,更懂得自己有哪些權益並且更懂得尊重他人。




Why should I respect the rights of others if others do not respect my rights?


… In the end, though, it is probably down to you and the type of person you want to be or the kind of world you want to live in. So you could reflect on what it would say about you if you were to behave in the manner that you dislike in others. Or think about the type of world it would be if everyone violated everyone else's rights in a tit-for-tat manner.


 Why should those who violate the rights of others in the most inhumane way be regarded as subjects of 'human' rights?


This is perhaps the most difficult but also the most essential part of human rights theory to accept. It can sometimes seem that certain individuals are so lacking in humane characteristics that only blind faith could enable us to see them as human. The important points are perhaps the following:


  • Firstly, despite some people's apparent inhumanity, every individual possesses some humanity. Villains love their mothers, their children, their husbands and wives - or someone. Villains feel pain, rejection, despair and jealousy; they desire to be appreciated, valued, supported, loved and understood. They all, every one of them, possess some, if not most, of these exclusively human emotions. That makes them human and deserving of our respect.
  • Secondly, we do ourselves no good in desiring to hurt villains in the same way that they have hurt others: such feelings only make us less worthy of respect as well.
  • Thirdly, even if, perchance, a villain were ever to emerge with 'human' form but without any human characteristics (and there has never been one yet), who among us could say with absolute certainty that he or she is Not A Human? On what criteria? On the basis, perhaps, that they are incapable of loving or being loved? But what if we turn out to be mistaken in that belief?


The third point reminds us that we need to consider the risks for humanity as a whole in setting up some people to judge others where the consequences of that judgment are terrible and irreversible. Do we really want a world where such judgments are made and where some people are simply designated as not possessing human rights and therefore as non-human? Without the absolute universality of all human rights, that is the type of world that we would have.





Even criminals and heads of state[have human rights]?


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看過 Ramsey Clark 當天晚宴上的發言,我覺得當場翻譯翻得不精準,很多文字上的重點和情感都不見了 - lost in translation!


“Every visit I’ve had to Taiwan has been a joy because of its beautiful people and such a beautiful island, though I recognize and feel how hard the road has been.  And um since I first set foot on China and saw it in 1948 and the long great struggle of people here, it made me sad to realize um how difficult for all of us the struggle remains, and how dangerous the moment and the future is, and how current events have made this part of the world, in which Taiwan is so prominent, so dangerous for peace on Earth at this time.  We see the struggle in southeast Asia and the conflict between 2 great powers - my own country the US and the PRC - both of which has the capacity to arms nuclear weapons to destroy life on Earth. ...


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吸血鬼 Dracula 代表的(意義之一)是19世紀貴族勢力衰敗對上中產階級興起的問題。狼人則是不能自己(因為他無法控制自己的身體)的中產階級。而科學怪人則是不被社會接受及關懷的下層階級的悲歌。

在西方文學的世界裡,真的是充滿象徵 symbols!




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Dracula is more than a horror story.  It was very scary for the English readers at the time of writing because it points out a few major fears of at-the-turn-of-the-20th-century Britain.

You can read it online for free.  Just go to Google and search keywords "read Dracula online."

This week, I would like to share 2 passages by my classmates and my Prof.'s discussions on how different monsters are related to class problems in additional to my essay.


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"Alice in Wonderlands" is actually 2 books  - "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass."  They are not only for children but also adults.  Of course, children and adults see different parts of the books.

Have you read the books too?  What were your thoughts and opinions?


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A few readers have asked me to post my writings because they like my lean writing style.

Actually, I tend to write applied documents such as complaint letters and such today :)  But lucky you, I am taking a Fantasy & Science Fiction Literature class on Coursera.org.

I will post my homework assignments and the comments I receive from other classmates.  So here is my essay assignment for Unit 1: Grimms' Fairytales:


The theme of a couple’s bond and marriage reoccurs in the Grimms' Fairytales to address the basic human need for love and its conflict with other needs.  The tales, although some seem confusing, argue that overcoming hardships together gives a relationship its depth.


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