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Chapter 4 - Background Information on Human Rights

4.5 Q&A  http://eycb.coe.int/compass/en/chapter_4/4_5.html

Compass 不只是一本給老師而是專門寫給年輕學子的教育手冊。幾十年來,歐盟中學生都熟悉它的內容,更懂得自己有哪些權益並且更懂得尊重他人。




Why should I respect the rights of others if others do not respect my rights?


… In the end, though, it is probably down to you and the type of person you want to be or the kind of world you want to live in. So you could reflect on what it would say about you if you were to behave in the manner that you dislike in others. Or think about the type of world it would be if everyone violated everyone else's rights in a tit-for-tat manner.


 Why should those who violate the rights of others in the most inhumane way be regarded as subjects of 'human' rights?


This is perhaps the most difficult but also the most essential part of human rights theory to accept. It can sometimes seem that certain individuals are so lacking in humane characteristics that only blind faith could enable us to see them as human. The important points are perhaps the following:


  • Firstly, despite some people's apparent inhumanity, every individual possesses some humanity. Villains love their mothers, their children, their husbands and wives - or someone. Villains feel pain, rejection, despair and jealousy; they desire to be appreciated, valued, supported, loved and understood. They all, every one of them, possess some, if not most, of these exclusively human emotions. That makes them human and deserving of our respect.
  • Secondly, we do ourselves no good in desiring to hurt villains in the same way that they have hurt others: such feelings only make us less worthy of respect as well.
  • Thirdly, even if, perchance, a villain were ever to emerge with 'human' form but without any human characteristics (and there has never been one yet), who among us could say with absolute certainty that he or she is Not A Human? On what criteria? On the basis, perhaps, that they are incapable of loving or being loved? But what if we turn out to be mistaken in that belief?


The third point reminds us that we need to consider the risks for humanity as a whole in setting up some people to judge others where the consequences of that judgment are terrible and irreversible. Do we really want a world where such judgments are made and where some people are simply designated as not possessing human rights and therefore as non-human? Without the absolute universality of all human rights, that is the type of world that we would have.





Even criminals and heads of state[have human rights]?


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連格林兄弟都沒有他堅持。你知道 Grimm's fairy tales 格林童話裡面的 Snow White 白雪公主和 Hansel and Gretel 糖果屋的後母其實在原版都是親生母親嗎?


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今天看到希臘可能退出/被逼退出歐元區的新聞,還漫淺顯易懂,但是寫得不錯,所以就 PO 上來跟大家分享。

Is it game over for Greece?  by Laurence Knight, business reporter, BBC News

這篇的寫法比較現代,每寫一句就斷行。平面新聞稿是倒三角形式,也就是開宗明義在第一段或前兩段報導 5W:  Who, where, what, when, how/why 再來慢慢加細節和採訪內容。這篇雖然沒有傳統的段落,但是看到 "Out of cash" 使用的字體不同,應該猜到了前面就是報導 5W 吧?

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昨天台灣朋友問我民主黨 the Democrats 是不是比共和黨 the Republicans 好? 因為在台灣輿論都這麼寫,她說。


就黨綱而言,the Democrats want to improve the lives of the middle-class and lower-class Americans.  通常選舉政見是社會福利政策和為中低薪水的人減稅。The Republicans, however, will support business people (large corporations, investors and perhaps entrepreneurs).  They believe that will boost the economy.  以前民眾都是心理比較喜歡民主黨,但是會8年換黨平衡一下,但是最近10幾年大家發現其時民主黨高層也都是家財萬貫的富家子弟,並沒有幾人會去執行幫助很多中低薪水的一般民眾的政策,頂多是照顧幾個超級窮困卻有潛力的人來打廣告。中產階級意識到民主黨和共和黨都不怎麼照顧他們,也沒有人替他們出聲,所以有幾個代表這樣心聲的笑話就流傳開來: 

If you want to go to Harvard, you have to have a rich daddy, or you have to be super smart but dirt poor. (貧窮但是聰明的孩子可以領全額獎學金。)

(加州人說) If you are smart and your daddy is rich, you go to Stanford.  If you are smart but your daddy is not rich, you go to Berkeley.  If your daddy is rich but you are not smart, you go to USC (University of Southern California).

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台灣女生:Linda, 你覺得那個 Shawn 有喜歡我嗎?

Linda: 應該吧,他還蠻喜歡跟你聊天的。從我跟他短暫的聊天,感覺他是個很友善的人。

台灣女生:你覺得我要寫 email 給他嗎?

Linda: 可以啊,為什麼不能?



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我在那邊長大,原本跟很多美國人一樣以為玩遊戲是得到愛情的必經之路,這段路程我們稱之為 the dating period(dating 還有其他意思),過了 dating 之後叫做 in a relationship。

認識歐洲人之後,我才知道 dating 不是正常現象,所以坦白講,不想玩愛情遊戲是我移來歐洲的主要原因之一。


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