
Ford 總統特赦水門案的Nixon,撒謊的 Clinton 和德國因為銀行貸款優待剛下台的總統,雖然變成人民的羞恥但是並沒有人想關他,為什麼? 因為處裡政治人物只需要拿掉他的政治生涯就夠了,像台灣這樣關前總統,漢學者們一致認為就是中國歷代更替的政治追殺。




Bahadurshah Zafar印度蒙兀兒帝國末代皇帝烏爾都語詩人。英軍攻打到他建造的新首都New Delhi 的時候,他出來跟英軍說:

“What is this nonsense of killing people?  If you want the country, take it.  What is the fuss about?  I was burdened with all the anxieties – now you be burdened.  Leave me alone.”


但是英軍沒有放他自由,他們擔心他會聚集勢力、有資源可以運作,所以他們把他放逐到緬甸仰光,Buhadurshah Zafar 1862年在仰光去世。去世前,他一直想念著他建造的New Delhi,他托人一定要把他埋葬在New Delhi 的街道上,天天與他辛苦建造的城市在一起。他說:

“At least when I am dead, take my body to my city, to my country.  A dead body cannot be dangerous.”




這就是200年前的政治。今天還在台灣上演,你說我們還算是已開發國家嗎? (還是只有土地開發?)


故事來源:“Power, Politics, and Change – What Can I Do to Help Make the World a Better Place” by Osho (pg.119)



美國前眾議員Steve Chabot:將政治人物罪犯化是一種不幸! yam蕃薯藤新聞╱李閔超/台北報導 2012-03-30 16:09


Steve Chabot發言原文:


Congressman Chabot: I have limited time so let me make just a comment here quickly. I think that fact that the Taiwanese government has decided to move itself in the direction of criminalization of politics is unfortunate as well. Their previous president, President Chen is still behind bars, and I think for an administration to come in and jail the previous administration is a tragedy, and I think they need to deal with that sooner rather than later.




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