2007年我因為學習英國 Teach English to Speakers of Foreign Language(英語為外語教學)教材,學到了很多教學的重點。
It is very important to keep the activities interesting and relevant to students.
When the students are interested, they learn very quickly and can see how the activities help them learn better.
Without interests, their learning experiences will not be as effective and they may even develop negative feelings.
One example that always comes to my mind is my junior-high school English teacher.
She had many great ideas for activities such as weekly journals 周記, speech contests 演講比賽, songs 英文歌唱 and plays 演戲.
However, some students and I had anxiety 焦慮 toward her class because she graded every activity 每個活動都記分.
For example, we learned several old popular songs in class but we had to sing in front of the class 在全班面前 for grade.
It certainly made many of us nervous and embarrassed.
Therefore in my opinion, grading every single activity defeats the main purpose of using them to help students learn better.
The teacher then shows (either projects or writes) several German words on the board.
Each team member takes turn to come forward and play the game.The teacher then reads an English word, and the first student to hit the corresponding German word on the board earns a point for his/her team.
This is a much more intensive and competitive game 比較有刺激感的競賽, especially if there are some very active students to help build the atmosphere 比較主動玩遊戲的學生會營造班上的氣氛.
When we played this game, we were not allowed to look up the words on the board at any time 不能查課本, but we could discuss within the group and help each other with words we did not know 可以和同組的同學私下討論.
Therefore, team effort helped, and so did studying before class!
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