原文位址: http://www.facebook.com/#!/note.php?note_id=440627482768 
on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 1:51pm


上週我們辦公室一個年輕的中國同事(從中國調來一年) 跑來找我。以下是我們的對話:


他>嘿! 要怎麼寄東西回國內(指中國)?

我>(心想郵局 但是一轉念) 嗯... 你是指寄回去我們公司的中國部門還是中國哪裡?


我>喔... (想了一下) 那這邊的老闆知道嗎?

他>(很乾脆地說) 不知道。

我>(有點懷疑但是想還是不要這麼早下定論 先問清楚再說) 嗯... 你最好跟老闆說一下,因為反正他們到最後都要簽名。你知道我們寄東西需要填表,然後老闆簽名後交給秘書處理吧?





他>(一副很純真的樣子還微笑) 那要是是寄私人的東西呢?

我>(心想 @_@不會吧?) ㄜ... 那你就拿去城裡的郵局吧!

他>(很直覺地說) 那不是太不方便了嗎? 運費我可以付,我們在國內都這樣。

我>ㄜ... (強忍臉部各種表情,盯住他的雙眼,試著不移開我的視線) 這邊不一樣耶。你知道西方人公私分得很清楚。(表現我愛莫能助的樣子)

他>喔... 我以為這會沒什麼的。只是國內一個老闆想買德國的嬰兒奶粉 (然後看著我不說話,尋求最後一絲希望)

我>(心理又氣又好笑 為了奶粉大費周章來旁敲側擊 但是我得表現得Professional 再次強忍臉部表情裝無辜) 對啊,這就完全是私人的事了,公司不能寄這種東西。你還是拿去郵局寄好了。


結論: 職場做人真不容易啊! 還是比較喜歡直接又輕鬆的方式!

English translation


One of the Chinese colleagues ini my office came to me last week and we had the following conversation:


He: Hi Shining, how do I send something back to China?

I:    Hum.. you mean, back to our company in China or just anywhere in China?

He: Our company in China.

I:    Oh... does our boss know about this?

He: No.

I:    Hum... you might want to talk to our boss first, because he has to sign the paperwork anyway.  Do you know about this paperwork?

He: No.


So I explained how the paperwork will have to be signed by the boss and then handled by the secretary.


He: What if, it's something private? (looking toatlly innocent and smiling)

I:    Hum... then you'll have to take it to the post office in the city.

He: But isn't that so incovenient?  I can pay the company the transportation cost!  We do it all the time in China!

I:    Hum... you know, it's different here.  The westerners separate work and private life.

He: Oh... I thought it's not a big deal.  It's just that one of my Chinese bosses wants some milk powder from Germany... (looking at me for a last chance)

I:   Yeah... this is totally private.  You can't ship that through our company.  Sorry, but you will have to take it to the post office.


Conclusion:  Gee... It can really be difficult at work.  I find direct interactions so much easier to deal with!


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